Pain Relief With Acupuncture
Pain Relief Naturally And Effectively And Promote True Healing With Acupuncture
333 El Camino Real Ste A South San Francisco CA 94080
Pain Relief Naturally And Effectively And Promote True Healing With Acupuncture
Are you tired of being in pain?
Acupuncture is goes right to the root of your problem and creates lasting results. It reduces pain by reducing inflammation and swelling, and increasing circulation to promote healing. It’s quick too: you typically see results the same day.
Dorothy Pang, L.Ac. is an intuitive and experienced acupuncturist with a track record of success with her patients. With over 23 years of experience, she easily identifies problem areas. She can tell by touching the skin where there is tension, inflammation or other nerve dysfunction underneath. Then she uses acupuncture near the area to reduce pain and inflammation, promote healing, and regulate nerve function.
You typically feel pain relief right after the treatment, along with relaxation and a sense of well-being. And usually you sleep better than ever on the night of an acupuncture treatment. Dorothy moves quickly so that you can barely tell you’re getting acupuncture.
Are you to be healthy and pain free? Click the button to book an appointment with Dorothy so you can get back to enjoying life right away!
Schedule a consultation with Dorothy or if you’re ready now, schedule an Initial Acupuncture appointment. If you have additional questions, text the office line.