
333 El Camino Real Ste A South San Francisco CA 94080

Acupuncture “Labor Induction”
pregnant, woman


If you would like to get labor started safely, naturally and effectively, acupuncture is a great option for you. Dorothy Pang specializes in treating pregnant women.


If you’re eager to get labor started naturally, acupuncture “labor induction” is a good option for you. Acupuncture can be used to encourage the start of labor.  I have found that acupuncture to start labor works most of the time.  

You would sit down in a lounge chair and relax, while Dorothy does acupuncture on various parts of your body – shoulders, hands, feet, and lower leg.  These acupuncture points are used to get labor started. All it usually takes is one session, and labor starts within 12 hours.  

Acupuncture to encourage the start of labor is recommended for women that are at least 38 weeks pregnant. If you are ready to get labor started, book an appointment by clicking the button below. 

